This is my favorite doughnut recipe – but surprise! It’s actually a no-knead brioche recipe! This recipe stunned me the first time I tried it – far and above the best doughnuts I have made, and they consistently delicious every time. And I have been using this recipe for almost 10 years.

The recipe is large, so I usually 1/2 it, and that still makes enough doughnuts for 2 days of breakfast. And yes! Doughnuts for breakfast because I make the dough a day or two in advance. Roll them out, cut them out, give them 20 min to rest, and then into the oil they go.
Last night I mixed in some of my sourdough starter, too – I just followed the written recipe (yeast and all) and at the end I added about 1/2 cup of starter. Sourdough doughnuts with homemade grape jelly? Wow. Just, Wow. (Tomorrow we are adding in Nutella!)
Find the recipe here on Artisan Bread in 5